We, and our investment partners, provide up to 100% project finance for developments, mainly in the Renewable Energy, Waste, and Real Estate Industries, as we believe in improving our planet.

Development and Property Finance

As principal arranger and provider, we seek development projects requiring finance for land acquisition and or construction. Our primary focus is in the housing, hotel, retail and mixed use sectors, for developments seeking finance. We have a flexible, rather than restrictive approach, with assessment based on overall merit. Either private or PPP (public private partnership) can be considered. Our terms are highly competitive and amounts up to multi-million, can be considered.

Please send us your enquiry for prompt attention.

Infrastructure Finance

Our Partner can provide major finance facilities for medium and large infrastructure projects globally. Main focus is in Renewable Energy, Ports, Railways and Buildings. Sovereign or PPP (public private partnership) can be accommodated from smaller scale deals to very large amounts.

  • Waste Management to Energy Stations utilising the state of the art technology from contractors that we are closely associated with. This enables us to offer a fully financed, turnkey solution, for this highly attractive environmentally efficient technology, generating electricity from municipal solid waste in large quantities.
  • Power Generation in Conventional Electricity Power Stations, and in addition, CICC is associated with a major construction consortium, which means, where necessary, we can provide EPC+F turnkey solutions for construction projects, including BOT or BOOT models.

Consideration can also be given to refinancing completed projects.