“Welcome to a New World of Blockchain”

  1. Introducing CICC Estate Coin, the inaugural International Institutional coin in the Blockchain realm.
  2. CICC, currently registered in 12 countries, aims for global registration within 5 years.
  3. It aspires to establish an International Digital Blockchain Investment bank, offering global insurance for Crypto investors.
  4. CICC Estate’s decentralized tokenization mechanism ensures price stability. Investors gain virtual fractional ownership in Real Estate assets through individualized pools.
  5. CICC Estate plans registration for DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) in next 6 months across various jurisdictions, including Switzerland, Panama and British Virgin island with P2P exchange functionality.
  6. With a 1 trillion total supply, 865 billion will be minted over 5 years, maintaining scarcity. Fundraising is limited to 2.5% of the total supply, ensuring price stability and offering a Dynamic APY Calculation system.
  7. Expectations include a minimum 10X return in 5 years, alongside physical property possession and P2P token withdrawal.
  8. The ultimate goal is to establish “CICC Family,” a sovereign nation offering a crypto-friendly, tax-free, and discrimination-free environment— “A unique haven on Earth”