Join CICC as Professional Members, we’re opening Career Opportunities for positions:
- Executive Board of Corporate Lawyer
- Advisory Board of Corporate Lawyer
General Terms and Conditions of CICC Recruitment:
- Before applying, please understand that CICC gives you an excellent career opportunity plus handsome income earning source.
- This is a remote positions, so if the targets are achieved you within three months, you will be given an chance (Not Obligatory) to select to get transferred in MHQ or in UAE/EU/ASIA/AFRICA/USA – HQs / Commercial Branches, which includes : Regular Appointment, Residency Benefits, Extra Bonuses, etc.
- The candidates have to apply online through CICC’s Official website by submitted CV/Resume OR can be sent by an email to:
- The candidates have to book “Career Introduction on zoom” through CICC Official Website according to the schedule available in the calendar. During zoom introduction, the video camera must be on and in the working condition.
- Selected candidates will get Job Description and Board Member Agreement which are to be signed, then have to send by an email to CICC – HR Department along with passport copy or National ID latest in seven days period.
- Upon signing of Agreement, selected candidate will be called for the one-to-one interview on zoom platform as per the schedule given by CICC – HR Department.
- Selected candidates in Executive Board have to sponsor one Executive Membership* every year. Also, they have to pay Nomination fees of EUR 500 (Non Refundable) for the Assembly Membership of any our HQs or Commercial Branches once their appointment is confirmed. With privileges: profit sharing agreement, office desk in Dubai-UAE, direct involvement in daily deals.
- The selected candidates of Advisory Board have to pay Nomination fees of EUR 500 (Non Refundable) once their appointment is confirmed.
- The selected candidates for the post of Executive Board are required to attend CICC Pre-launching Executive Meetings in Dubai or other countries, according to CICC’s Events Agenda.
- Corporate Lawyers who are not active and who are not involved in any project or international transaction, will not be entitled to get anything/benefit.
- The required documentation, Certificates, and Work assignments will be given according to the applicable roles & responsibilities, after the completion of all process of recruitment by HR Department.
Note for Executive Role:
• Every Executive position offered in CICC is on the Entrepreneurship based, which means there is no fixed monthly salary but purely on the performance based earnings.
• All the extra fringe benefits/rewards will be based on the given assignments & profit sharing as disclosed in the signed MOU.
• To be a part of CICC Global Executive Network, you will have to sponsor one Strategic Partner or Professional Member in a year.
• Executive Board is required organize and host minimum one event in a year (Conference or Fair) in their respective countries, and will be exempted to sponsor the Executive Membership for EUR 5,000.
To apply for one of opening position above, please complete the following “Career Opportunities Application Form” and please book “CICC Career Introduction” via zoom according to available schedule in our calendar.
*by sending this Application, candidates agree and ready to follow all term and conditions.